Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Indiana Jones

We saw it yesterday. I was not disappointed. It was totally unbelievable. It was silly as could be. Lots of humor. The audience laughed out loud a number of times, and cheered and clapped, too! The special effects were amazing (Industrial Lights & Magic strikes again), and I was happy to see Harrison Ford can still rock it. He's got some awesome biceps! I was completely entertained. I was driven to distraction, however, by imagining what the ride at Disneyland will be like! :-)

I was astonished that several people brought their very young (like under 5 yo) children. There were some pretty scary, loud parts that The Prince especially would never have tolerated at that age. The movie overall was pretty clean...didn't have to cover the kids' eyes even once.

See ya later!


Anonymous said...

I am so glad to hear this. I am a huge fan of the first movie (the next two were disapointments to me). Now I can't wait to see it. How old do you think Harrison is now?

Thanks for the prayers for my back. The nice weather and sunshine helps. If this had happened in the middle of winter, I'm afraid I would become really depressed. Sorry to hear about your neck!

Love ya! Sniz

Naturally Blessed said...

Cool! i saw Narnia this weekend! it was awesome. i am totally into fantasy (yes, i am a Potter head, lol). i may check out Indiana Jones next month.....

the sand ceremony is a spin on the unity candle. instead of lighting the candle together we will combine different colored sands. they will regpresent our families, us as individuals and also how we are now one and how me can now never be divided bc of our holy union...ect and so on....

flutter said...

I totally want to see it!