Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Big time BLAHS

The Princess is still suffering from an awful headache. Going on three weeks. We have a referral in for a neurologist, and she's on antibiotics and steroid nose spray, in case it's a sinus infection.

She admitted to me today that she is really stressed about the prospect of moving. On one hand, she wants to move so we aren't so strapped for money. On the other, she doesn't want to leave her friends. The Gearhead is simply not talking about it. No movement, either way. *sigh* I'm wantin' to cry.

I talked to my dad last night. He said, "I'm just now hearing how much work you put into my party, and the scrapbook. You did a beautiful job." That was nice to hear. I have to get the scrapbook back from him to finish a few things, and I will post pics then.

Here are few from the weekend:

My uncle, Mom and aunt. Uncle C is my mom's brother, and Aunt N is his wife.

The Princess and Grandpa

That's the scrapbook they're looking at. The Princess still had a headache at this point, but most folks had left already, and it was quiet.



Gombojav Tribe said...

Poor Princess! Before seeing a nuerologist, see a wellness Chiropractor! Seriously! If you need the names of some great ones, let me know. A chiropractor has helped me manage painful periods and completely taken care of migranes. No more! Much better than more invasive means.

Naturally Blessed said...

oh my.....i am sorry that the Princess has been feeling bad.

what big doctors to be visiting....i will keep you guys in prayer....

just wanted to peek from under my rock to say 'thank you' for your warm thoughts over these past days. i've really been a bore to read.....I am sure with all of my moaning and complaining. I am going to try to shake things off...but its better to wallow on the blog than in real life, yanno?

contrary to my blog where i blab lots of personal biz, i'm quite private in my "real life"....so you guys get a brunt of the venting......

thanks for sticking around and putting up with me.


flutter said...

The Princess and I are neurologist sisters!

Sorry she is suffering, too

Unknown said...

I suffer from migraines - terrible feeling! Hope your daughter can get her headache under control soon and find out what's causing it.

Andrea Frazer said...

I don't think I ever thanked you for visiting my blog! Yours is great, too, and I hope the headache goes away!

for a different kind of girl said...

Those two have the same very adorable grin! How cute!