Wednesday, February 4, 2009

And another public service announcement...

The French have some cool words and phrases that we use in the English language; words like, deja vu, a la carte, and my daughter's favorite, ballet.

There are some French words that people just should not use if they don't know how to spell them or say them. Words like "voila." It comes from a French expression literally meaning “look there!” Of late, in the blogosphere, I have noticed a rash of "walah" and even worse "viola." *sigh*

Thank you, again, for listening.


Gombojav Tribe said...

Cracking up, Claire! My mom and I call one another everytime we see a "wallah" or a "wala." Too funny!

Happy Elf Mom (Christine) said...

WOW Viola sounds like a really violin-tly funny one.

Chris H said...

SO... what does 'walah' mean then???

I use it sometimes!

Ganeida said...

There are worse French words one could use. I learnt those first but then no~one would tell me what they meant so I figured I couldn't use them in polite society...oh & my spellings bad in English; I have no hope in French.

Gombojav Tribe said...

For your next public service announcement, will you please tell people to stop misusing "e.g." and "i.e."!!! It is driving me crazy!