Monday, December 15, 2008

Snow in Southern California

Well, the forecast says rain, but I'm seeing snow, are you?


Anonymous said...

I love the snow!!!
and we all got a kick out of the lamp!
Lea :)

Unknown said...

It's snowing there?? 77 degrees here! Been that way ALL WEEK LONG! UGH!

Dominguez Den said...

Yes! I have one of those lamps! it has been in my den for the last 5 years, it was a gift to my husband one Christmas. We watch the Christmas Story every year and have done so since we have been married.

Debra said...

We enjoy the snow so much especially since we don't have to live in it all the time. I will be posting some more fun pictures of So CAL snow on my blog tomorrow.

Thanks for leaving me such a nice comment! Vvery nice to meet you.


brandy lindsey said...

We had snow the other day. Sunday we're suppose to get 17 inches of snow. Welcome to Northern Maine I guess.