Thursday, October 2, 2008

Bad, bad blogger, Part Deux

Why oh why, can't I just post lately? I spend a lot of time on the computer, looking at other people's blogs, but can't seem to get myself to come here and post. I got a talkin' to today from Daja. She looks really nice, but she can sure guilt a person into doing her bidding!!! Just kiddin', Daja dahling.

Anyway, all is well here. Well, all is okay here. Times are tough all around, and we're feeling the pinch. The Gearhead is working like a dog to keep our heads above water. I haven't had a call for work in almost two weeks...yeah, it's that bad. But, God is good, and we have food to eat, and a place to live. Can't really complain, ya know?

Okay, I'll be back soon...I hope. I know I've made myself a liar more than once here, and I KNOW y'all are checking here DAILY, because my life is just.that.interesting. I'm sure I have pictures I haven't shared here, like our last couple trips to the beach (oh, so darn much fun), and to the County Fair (hot and expensive), and of my doggie's foot injury. My camera is all the way on the other side of my expansive (giggle, giggle) house, and I'm just too lazy to go get it. I'll post pics later. Maybe. If I feel like it.

Blessings to all,


Gombojav Tribe said...

Now maybe the two of us can guilt Linda B into blogging again, too! :-)

Glad you're back!

Happy Elf Mom (Christine) said...

HEYYY! Good to hear from you again. I have a "follow" feature, so really, it's like I'm obsessively checking EVERYONE's blogs EVERY minute instead of every day the old-fashioned way. LOL

for a different kind of girl said...

I kind of feel the same way lately, too. By the time I sit down, I have zero focus! Post when you can, when you feel like it!

Unknown said...

I've been the same way too....trying to get back at it. Just too much to do these days! LOL, miss seeing your pics!

Chris H said...

Hi there! I don't know if I have visited your blog before, but anyone who sends me a BIRTHDAY CARD deserves to have me visit!!!! Love your blog... and all the photos. I love seeing other people's places, kids, bla bla bla!

Dominguez Den said...

Okay, I'm game, If I can figure out how to post!

Dominguez Den said...

okay, I'm game if I can remember how to post. It has been at least a year!